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Although no longer the quaint fishing village it once was, Hout Bay still has a functioning fishing harbour and is the centre of the local crayfish industry.

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Some 20 km from the centre, it's a favourite day outing, and despite ugly modern development and a growing shantytown, the natural setting is quite spectacular, with the Sentinel and Chapman's Peak defining the entry to the bay.

Questa foto di Hout Bay è offerta da TripAdvisor.
Highly unusual for Cape Town with its legacy of apartheid town planning, poor black areas nose right up to wealthy white ones.

Questa foto di Hout Bay è offerta da TripAdvisor.
Isolated Sandy Bay, Cape Town's main nudist beach, can only be reached via a twenty minutes walk from Llandudno; a signposted path leads from the south end of the Llandudnocar park.

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In the apartheid days, the South African Police went to ingenious lenghts to trap nudists, but nowadays the beach is relaxed, so feel free to come as undressed as feels comfortable.
It's a prime gay cruising spot too.

Questa foto di Hout Bay è offerta da TripAdvisor.
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