Sunday 11 November 2012

Cape Town, Adderley Street

Foto di Adderly Street, Città del Capo, centro
Questa foto di Adderly Street è offerta da TripAdvisor.

Once the place to shop in Cape Town, Adderley Street, lined with handsome buildings from several centuries, is still worth a stroll today.
Its attractive streetscape has been blemished somewhat by a series of large 1960s and 1970s shopping centres but, just minutes from crowded malls, among the streets and alleys around Greenmarket square, you can still find some human scale and historic texture.

Foto di Adderly Street, Città del Capo, centro
Questa foto di Adderly Street è offerta da TripAdvisor.
One of the ugliest buildings erected in the 1970s is the Golden Acre shopping complex, dominating the north (harbour) end of Adderley Street, which is a hub for much of Cape Town's public transport.

Although the mall itself and its environs are anything but picturesque, here you do get an authentic taste of ordinary Capetonians doing their shopping.

Among the pavements and pedestrianized section outside, which run down to the station, there's a closely packed flea market offering curios, crafts and electronic goods.

A little further south lies the Adderley Street Flower Market at Trafalgar Place, in Adderley Street between Strand and Darling streets, run by members of the Bo-Kaap Muslim community, who are known for their sharp wit.

Continuing south, two grandiose bank buildings stand on opposite sides of Adderley Street: the fussier of the two, the erstwhile Standard Bank, fronted by Corinthian columns and covered with a tall dome -  a temple to the partnership of empire and finance - is now an upmarket restaurant and coffee shop.

The First National Bank, completed in 1913, was the last South African building designed by Sir Herbert Baker.

Foto di Adderly Street, Città del Capo, centro
Questa foto di Adderly Street è offerta da TripAdvisor.

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