Questa foto di Table Mountain Walks è offerta da TripAdvisor.
To appreciate Cape Town you need to spend time outdoors, as Capetonians do: they hike, picnic or sunbathe, often choose mountain bikes in preference to cars, and turn adventure activities into a passion.
Sailboarders from around the world head for Table Bay for some of the world's best windsurfing, and the brave jump off Lion's Head and paraglide down close to the Clifton beachfront.

Questa foto di Skydive Cape Town è offerta da TripAdvisor.
But the city offers sedate pleasures as well, along its hundreds of paths and 150 kilometers of beaches.
Cape Town's rich urban texture is immediately apparent in its diverse architecture: an indigenous Cape Dutch style, rooted in northern Europe, seen at its most diverse in the Constantia wine estates, which were influenced by French refugees in the seventeenth century; Muslims dissidents and slaves, freed in the nineteenth century, added their minarets to the skyline; and the English, who invaded and freed these slaves, introduced Georgian and Victorian buildings.
In the tightly packed terraces of the present-day Bo-Kaap and the tenements of District Six, coloured descendants of slaves evolved a unique, evocatively Capetonian brand of jazz, which is well worth catching live if you can.

Questa foto di City Sightseeing Cape Town è offerta da TripAdvisor.
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